Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Reading Body Language for the Sales Professional

By Dennis R. Kyle

Body language is a fascinating skill. People rarely recognize how much information they give off and how noticeable it is to the human eye. Even to the untrained human eye.

I can remember coming home from school as a child after having a tough day and seeing my mother. Instantly she would look at me, and ask, "What is a matter?" I know for a fact the majority of the time, I would answer, "Nothing." However, her keen exploration would soon make me realize that I had a negative attitude.

In sales, it is vitally important to read body language. There are four major areas of body language you need to observe.

Eye Contact and Brow Movement
Facial Gestures
Torso and Arm Behavior
Leg Activity
Eye Contact and Brow Movement
Let's look at Eye Contact and Brow Movement closely. No pun intended of course. While in a seminar a few weeks ago, a participant asked me a question. After I answered her, I asked the clarifying question, "Does that answer your question?" She answered me with a stuttering "Yes," however; as she answered me her brows were scrunched together demonstrating negative energy. She also glanced away several times rapidly. By noticing her gestures it was obvious she did not understand me.
Let's take a look at positive and negative indicators:

Positive Behaviors

Direct Eye Contact – Interested, likes you
Smiling Eyes – Is comfortable
Relaxed Brow – Sign of Relaxation
Negative Behaviors

Limited or No Eye Contact – Lying, uninterested, too confined, uncomfortable, distracted
Tension in Brow – Confusion, tension, fear
There may be several reasons why someone is unable to hold eye contact. Now, I'm not talking about staring at someone either. Notice when you are interested how much eye contact you give and why you look away. It can simply be that you are distracted, for example a bird flies by and catches your eye. When people are not able to tell you their honest feelings they most often cannot hold eye contact.

Another reason for loosing someone's eye contact is when you step into someone's personal space (and each of us have a different size boundary); their natural sign is to look away. Check it out for yourself. Test some people (make sure you know them fairly well, you don't want to get bopped on the head for invading personal space): walk toward your friend and see how close you can get before their eyes dart away. Also note that the same person has different boundaries for different people, thus the tighter your friendship usually the closer you are able to get.

You have it in you to recognize these signs easily. Focus your attention and see what other indicators you can come up with this week. I would enjoy hearing your results.

Facial Gestures
Facial Gestures are the second part of body language to read. The most important part of facial gestures is the mouth. Upward turns in the corner of the mouth are most often positive signs and downward turns or flat lines in the mouth demonstrate negative behavior. Observe the person's lips to see if they are pressed together or relaxed and comfortable. Do they show signs of happiness or signs of discontentment? A person's cheeks and dimple structure are also important to watch.

The most important thing to understand about reading facial behavior is that we all have the ability. Most people however never pay close attention to human tendencies and activities. Success in sales requires you to observe human behavior.

Arm and Torso Movements
The third important factor in reading human body language is monitoring arm and torso movements. Simple rule to remember is: "Closed-off posture usually means close-minded attitude and open posture means exactly what the name eludes, open or willing attitude." I know you are thinking, "Okay, Mr. Genius now that you have told me the obvious what does that mean?"

Closed-Off Posture

Shoulders hunched forward – lacking interest or feeling inferior
Rigid Body Posture – anxious, uptight
Crossed arms – can be just cold or protecting the body from your discussion
Tapping Fingers – agitated, anxious, bored
Fidgeting with hands or objects (i.e., pen) – bored or has something to say
When these signs appear, don't take judgment on yourself or them it's simply time to take a break and see what that person is thinking.

Open Posture

Leaning forward – interested
Fingers Interlocked placed behind the head leaving elbows open and armpits exposed – very open to ideas, comfortable
Mirroring you – likes you and wants to be friendly
Still – more interested in what you are saying than anything
Reading body language is nothing more than paying attention to actions we see everyday and usually don't process.

Leg Activity
The fourth factor to observe is leg activity. Again this is another area, which is relatively easy to observe once you know what to monitor. Usually negative behavior is observed through fidgety leg movements and uneasiness. There is no direct correlation between crossed and uncrossed legs. However, if you notice a person has their legs crossed and one of them is bouncing on the other it probably is anxiety.

Leg activity needs to be observed simultaneously with arm position. If you notice a person is bouncing their legs and their arms are crossed over or their torso is slumped over, the buyer most likely is closed-off.

Being successful in sales does not require a rocket science degree, not that it's bad of course if you have one. Your success depends upon how well you can modify your personal behavior to adapt to situations. And check in with the individual, STOP talking, and ask them what they think.

If you notice a person is closed-down, you need to focus on one thing. What do you need to do to increase the person's comfort zone?

The easiest way to increase a person's comfort when they are closed-off is to first utilize mirroring.

Mirroring is a technique by which you observe a person's behavior and then in a subtle way act the same way they are acting. If their arms are crossed over you should sit back relax a little, and then begin to cross your arms.

A psychologist from California University performed a study on mirroring. Two different teachers taught the students a process. One used mirroring; the other did not. It was overwhelming that the teacher using mirroring techniques was believed to be much more successful, friendly, and appealing by the students.

So as you look to the future it is going to require that you practice, practice, practice observing people. Remember, reading body language needs to be done carefully. Unlike verbal communication, body language can be rather abstract. However, it will lend itself to be a very good benchmark to human behavior and attitude.

You already have the intuitive skills to learn the art of reading body language. Now you must become more conscious of the subtle signs your prospects and clients give off.

When you notice positive body language, keep on track and move in the direction of closure. If negative vibrations are being sent to you, step back and redefine your objective internally and externally.

One of the best tips I have for you to help create more positive energy is to continually reiterate ideas and validate understanding. Simply review what you have discussed with your prospect already and validate it by asking clarifying questions.

For instance:
Seller: Mrs. Jones we have discussed a variety things related to project implementation and pricing structures. We will initiate the project on Dec. 1 and it will run for 16 consecutive weeks concluding on March 31. There are 7 consultants scheduled to be on the project alternating with three people available full-time. The estimated investment is $98,235.00. Does this make sense to you?

Buyer: Yes it does!

(Observe body language. Don't just assume because the person said "yes" it means 'yes'. You have to watch their eye contact, facial gestures for positive signs, torso and arms to make sure they are open, and finally if they have any noticeable fidgety behaviors in their legs or feet. If you determine quickly this is a sincere yes, offer an opportunity for questions. If there is any doubt in your mind address it now before moving forward. Let's take a look at both ideas.)

Noticeable Doubt:

Seller: Mrs. Jones I notice there may be a few things your not clear on, what issues do I need to explain further?

(Believe me in most cases when you observe body language and observe it with true compassion and desire to understand, your intuition won't serve you wrong. The client or prospect will have some issues, and they will appreciate you recognizing them. Learning how to define issues early on in a relationship forges a happy road to success. Once the person starts to open up to you with concerns, resolve those concerns immediately.)

Buyer: Well there is a few things regarding…

Seller: (answer all questions and clear up doubt).

Decisive Yes or After You Cleared Up


Seller: Mrs. Jones, I'd like to open this discussion to any questions you may have regarding the finalization of this project.

(It is vitally important to pause when you open the floor to the individual. Any more words out of your mouth will taint the discussion. The power of your questions is not only in the proper delivery of the question, but how well can you shut-up after you ask it.)

Body Language For Salespeople
As a sales professional reading body language can give you the edge you need to close the sale. Utilize body language signals given by your prospects to ask better questions. The stronger you are a reading body language and questioning skills the more sales you will win.

How To Stay Motivated

By Dr. Zonnya
As a "Motivation Trainer" for over 20 years, I have researched the subject of "Motivation." It is talked about a lot, but not very much is taught or written about it. It seems to be a word that eludes us. I often here people say: "Can you motivate me?" or "I need motivating." or "I've lost my motivation."
Part of the challenge in understanding the concept of "Motivation" is to understand what it means. We seem to have a distorted definition of what it is. Since we know that words have positive or negative energy connected to them, it is important that we know what words we are saying and what those words mean.
Let's start our journey into understanding "Motivation" with a workable definition.
Motivation is:

1. Making a Choice
2. To Take Action
3. For a Result
4. Whether You Feel Like It or Not

"Motivation" is about what you choose, not how you feel. The first myth about "Motivation" is that it somehow has something to do with how you feel. So if you feel like exercising, you are motivated, and if you don't feel like exercising, you aren't. If you feel like working your network marketing business, then you are motivated; if not, you just aren't motivated. If you feel, like going to church, you are motivated; if you don't feel like it.... And as you can imagine, there are hundreds of scenarios that we could mention.
Once we accept a "new definition" of "Motivation," we can move forward to using it as a tool in our lives to help us achieve results.

1. Making a Choice

Everything is a choice. Choice equals results. Good choices = Good results. Bad choices = Bad results. From the time you are born, until the time you die, you will literally make hundreds and hundreds of choices. Every choice has a result. The caveat is that you may make a choice today, but not get the result today. Results are still coming even if delayed. To stay motivated, we start with what choices will we make for specific results in our lives in every area: Physical, mental, spiritual, social, financial, family.

2. To Take Action

Once we make a choice for a result, the mind automatically goes into the mode of: "What action do I need to make in order to achieve the result?" This is how we develop our action plan for choosing and accomplishing results in our lives. If you don't know what action to take to achieve your result, you mind will go into the mode: "Where do I go to learn what to do to accomplish this result?"
Your mind is a powerful friend or foe. With all the many years of studying the mind, we still know so little about it. It was created to help you. Unfortunately with some of our old negative programming, often our mind does not help us. It is so important that we are continually alert to negative programming that is keeping us from fulfilling more of our potential. The reason we take action is for the result.

3. For a Result

What results are you choosing for your life today? The results you have in your life today are from the choices you have made in your yesterday. The results you will have today and in the future will be from the choices you make. Understand, you cannot make the right choices if you have not clearly defined the result.

What results do you choose for your health, you body, your eating habits, etc?
What results do you choose for your thinking, your attitude, your words that you speak, etc?
What results do you choose for your spiritual life? I did not say "religion"; I said for your "spiritual" life?
What results do you choose for being involved with your community, your friends, etc?
What results do you choose for you business, your profession, you finances, etc?
What results do you chose for your family, for your relationships, etc.?
It is important that you develop a "result-driven" mindset.

4. Whether You Feel Like It or Not

When you make a choice to take action for a results, then how you feel does not enter into the equation. How many times do you do what you do, when you do not feel like it? If you have children, how many times do you get up in the middle of the night to take care of your child when you did not feel like it? Have you ever gone to a business training seminar, but you didn't feel like it? Have you ever persevered in the midst of feeling bad, to do a business presentation or make extra calls?
In all of these situations, "Motivation" was in operation. You were "Motivated."
We are "Motivated" when we make a choice to take action for a result whether we feel like it or not. Motivation is not about "feeling," it is simply about "choosing." We can have a Motivated day every day we choose to. Should we chose to have a "laid-back" day, that is great...that is a choice too. We begin the journey of staying motivated when we first know what "Motivation" is.

How To Become a People Magnet

By Dani Johnson
Keys to increasing your sales, client retention, referrals, company morale and more!
I grew up in an abusive drug afflicted home and was told by my father my whole life that I was fat, ugly and good for nothing. I had no dreams, no goals, no self-esteem – nothing.

So when I was first exposed to the business world, I did not believe I could succeed. After six months of failure, I was blessed to find a mentor who taught me some key principles that turned things around.

Then I got married to a guy who drained my bank account and left me with $35,000 in credit card debt. I became totally homeless living out of my car and had to start all over again. Within two short years I became a millionaire at the age of 23.

Below are some of the foundational key skills I learned early on, and have since taught tens of thousands of other entrepreneurs through our coaching programs and live seminars, that will give you an immediate change in the results you are getting and will turn you into a people magnet that others want to follow.

Learning and consistently applying these simple skills will increase your sales, client retention, referrals, company morale and loyalty. If you are in sales, this formula below will change your closing ratios dramatically. If you are married or have kids, these simple steps can turn around any relationship on a dime or make a good relationship great!

Smile. 93% of communication is non-verbal. Smiling may be the easiest way to change your non-verbal communication with others. Smiling shows confidence and builds curiosity. It relaxes others, and can immediately change the energy in a room. It will attract others to you and make them want what you have.

Make sure you smile while talking on the phone. This is so important. Smiling on the phone has raised people's closing ratios by more than 50%. Smiling changes your posture and says, "I know where I'm going, even if you don't." It's says, "I'm excited, I have energy! And I'm going with or without you!"

When I was homeless, living out of my car, I searched for one positive thing I could focus on that would make me smile. That one thought changed my focus, gave me something to smile about and was the beginning of my situation turning around. The next 10 hours in my business, I made $2000 which got me out of my car and into an apartment.

Be yourself – not an amateur sales person. It's very important to be yourself. If you're yourself, then your guard is down, and guess what? So is the other person's! You want to build a relationship with the person you are talking with and this is what we call, "friends first". When I get on the phone and I'm being myself, the whole goal is to build a friendship with the person on the other end of the phone.

I start my conversation off in a very friendly way and that builds trust right away. If they trust you, they're going to do business with you. If you're being yourself, the prospect or client can tell.

Encourage sincerely. Develop the habit of sincerely encouraging your prospects, clients, employees, friends and family members. When you first meet someone, find something to encourage them on. Be sincere, don't flatter. Most people go months without someone else showing any interest in them – be that person who encourages and appreciates them and you'll have an instant friend who trusts you.

One of my goals that I built my business on is to be a positive and encouraging influence on every person I come in contact with. If your heart is in the right place this is simple and makes an impact on everyone around you. With a prospect, it begins that relationship that moves them from just a "short term sale" to a long term referring "client".

Ask questions. Learn to become a good interviewer. Use the acronym F.O.R.M. to find a person's needs, strengths and goals.

• Ask them about their family (F), where they live or grew up, if they have any kids, if they are married, etc.
• Ask about their occupation (O) or what they do for a living. Ask what they like about it and what they don't like.
• Ask about what they do for fun or recreation (R).
• And finally, offer a message (M) or solution to their needs or goals.

You can use this formula to get to know someone and discover what motivates them as well as what they are dissatisfied with in their life.

Truly listen to people when you talk with them. Don't just think about what you are going to say next. Make eye contact and repeat back to them their needs, strengths and goals. This works beautifully for problem solving, resolving personal issues and even discovering their personality to make sure you are maximizing their strengths.

Speak to their personality. Learn how to identify and speak to each of the 4 primary personality groups:

• Rubies are generally motivated by challenge, money and being the best.
• Emeralds like to have all the facts before making a decision.
• Safires are motivated by fun and being part of the team and
• Pearls are motivated by a cause and helping others.

Learn how to focus on the other person's strengths and put them in positions that allow them to excel. Don't make the mistake of talking only about what gets YOU excited or is important to YOU. The other person may not even care! Talk about what gets them excited and now you have their attention! Listening and asking questions is how you find out what the other persons hot buttons are.

Be a winner NOT a whiner. Don't complain or talk about your problems, no one else really cares. All they care about is their problems and if you can help solve them! I had every reason in the book to complain, whine, murmur and blame. And for several weeks, I did that and that's why I was homeless. When I stopped nursing my problem, cursing my problem and rehearsing my problem – and I started looking for one good thing that I could focus on I then took action and went on to make my first million. So be a winner, not a whiner!

Offer a solution. When working with people, let them know what the next step is to get closer to their goal. If you can help others get what they want, you will always have what you want. So think in terms of what does my prospect, my client, my spouse, my kids, my boss, my employee want? Then figure out a way to make that happen.

Have faith. There is one thing I know beyond a shadow of a doubt: If you don't fight the trial, the person, the circumstances, the issue, the pain, the suffering – and you just by faith trust God and move forward – you will always come out better on the other side of the trial!

Don't freak out the next time a bomb drops on your life…have faith and say, "Okay I know something good is going to come out of this one. What do I need to learn out of this so I can be better next time?"

The bombs are going to drop, that is for certain. But it's how we deal with them that determine sour success in every area of our lives.

Practice consistently. You may be saying, "Dani, there's nothing new here that I didn't already know or hear before." My question to you is, are you using it? Do you practice it consistently? If not, why? What is stopping you? For many people, the issue is a matter of the heart. You have to be willing to drop your ego and get over your own insecurities and issues to focus on others first.

The key to attracting people to you and positively influencing others is realizing that you are NOT the issue! If you want long term success and peace of mind, you must have a clean heart with pure motives. Anyone can learn some techniques and use them to manipulate people. But if your heart is pure and you truly have that other person's best interest in mind, and you learn to be a servant first, then you are sowing good seed. Do that, and there is no level of success you cannot attain – and your influence with others will be positive and eternal!

Developing Your Million Dollar Mentality

Todd Falcone
So…you want to be a millionaire, do you? Say YES! It is a great place to be.

In order to be a millionaire, you need to think like one. There is no such thing as thinking like average and earning exceptional income. It simply doesn't work that way. And…if and when it does (very rarely), it never lasts long.

In order for you to accumulate wealth and create a massive income, you first have to change your way of THINKING and ACTING.

Let me give you some idea of where your mind and actions need to be in order to create a massive organization that pays you hundreds of thousands of dollars a year.

Ready? You sure? Here's a little sample:

A million-dollar mindset person sees the possibilities.
An average person focuses on reasons why it isn't possible.

A million-dollar mindset person makes it happen.
An average person makes excuses why they didn't or couldn't make it happen.

A million-dollar mindset person sees beyond an obstacle or roadblock.
An average person only sees the obstacle or roadblock.

A million-dollar mindset person brings out the best in others.
An average person looks for faults in others.

A million-dollar mindset person doesn't have a work day.
An average person can't wait until their work day is over.

A million-dollar mindset person learns from their mistakes.
An average person gets lacks the discipline to learn from their mistakes.

A million-dollar mindset person lives in the present with a focus on the long-term future.
An average person lives in the past with a focus on their current situation.

A million-dollar mindset person pays themselves before they pay anything else.
An average person pays the bills and never saves anything for themselves.

A million-dollar mindset person thrives on playing the game.
An average person sits on the sidelines and watches others win the game.

A million-dollar mindset person will do anything it takes to make it happen.
An average person simply won't do the things to make it happen.

A million-dollar mindset person can always see the light at the end of the tunnel.
An average person gets lost in the tunnel until the train runs them over.

A million-dollar mindset person looks fear square in the eye and says "move aside."
An average person runs from their fear back into their comfort zone of mediocrity.

A million-dollar mindset person focuses on establishing nourishing relationships.
An average person allows themselves to be guided by toxic relationships.

A million-dollar mindset person fails their way to success.
An average person never even tries.

A million-dollar mindset person knows that a little faith goes an infinite way.
An average person says "show me first and then I'll make my way."

These are just a few thoughts to put into your mind as you go about the rest of your week to see how successful people think.

As I heard a quote recently from legendary motivational speaker Les Brown, "I refuse to live an unlived life!"

Sounds to me like a great way to live. In fact, they only way to really live!